- General resources:
- For the most up-to-date information, see: https://www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/public-health/covid-19/covid-19-reopening.
- The Fresno County Economic Development Corporation has established a Business Resource hotline for the Fresno county business community to provide up to date information on local, state, and federal resources to support businesses impacted by COVID-19. For further details, see: https://www.fresnoedc.com/covid19/.
- Financial resources:
- The City of Fresno’s Revolving Loan Fund is offering loans to small businesses located in its Empowerment and Enterprise Zones for the purposes of financing real estate, providing working capital, and/or for the financing of equipment. Loans are made in cooperation with a third-party lender. For further details, see: https://cencalfinance.com/revolving-loan-program/.
- The City of Firebaugh in Fresno County has established the Firebaugh Microbusiness Grant, where eligible microbusinesses located in the City of Firebaugh negatively impacted by COVID-19 may receive up to $7,500 in business grants. For further details, see: https://www.fresnobsc.com/grant-application/.
- The California State University, Fresno Office of Community & Economic Development has compiled a list of COVID-19 support resources for businesses and employers in Fresno County. For further details, see: https://www.fresnostate.edu/academics/oced/covid19-resources/businesses-and-employers/businesses-and-employers-fresnocounty.html.