- General resources:
- For the most up-to-date information, see: https://www.saccounty.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx.
- Financial resources:
- For general business resources, see: https://www.saccounty.gov/COVID-19/Pages/Businesses_Workers.aspx and https://economic.saccounty.gov/Pages/CoronavirusBusinessResources.aspx.
- For information on grants and other small business resources, see: https://sacblackchamber.org/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-resources/.
- For resources from the Sacramento Business Environmental Resource Center, see: https://sacberc.saccounty.gov/resources/Pages/COVID19-Business-Resources.aspx.
- For resources from the City of Sacramento, see: https://sacramentocovidrelief.org/businesses-and-non-profits/.
- For resources from the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce, see: https://www.sacasiancc.org/business-resources/covid-19/.
- The Sacramento County Microbusiness Grant Program is providing $2,500 in one-time grant funding to eligible businesses in Sacramento County. For eligibility requirements and to apply, see: https://sac4micro.org/faqs/.
Category: Sacramento County
Federal Resources
State Resources
- Financial Resources Updated on: August 1, 2022
- General Resources Updated on: November 8, 2021